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Ageing skin

Ageing of the skin is a gradual process that is associated with changes to the appearance, characteristics and function of the skin. A combination of genetic, lifestyle, dietary and environmental factors contribute to skin ageing

Internal factors causing ageing

Intrinsic ageing, also known as the natural ageing process, is a continuous process that normally begins in our mid-20s. Within the skin, collagen production slows and elastin, the substance that enables skin to snap back into place, has a bit less spring. Dead skin cells do not shed as quickly and the turnover of new skin cells decreases between the ages of 20 and 60. While these changes usually begin in our 20s, the signs of intrinsic ageing are typically not visible for decades. Our genetic makeup controls how quickly the normal ageing process happens.

External factors causing ageing

A number of extrinsic or external factors can act individually or together on the normal ageing process to age our skin prematurely. Most premature skin ageing is caused by sun exposure. Other external factors that prematurely age our skin are repetitive facial expressions, gravity, sleeping positions, diet and smoking


Chemical Peels

The SKIN STATION has a range of facial peels suitable for a number of different conditions.

1.There is peel is used to resurface the skin to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation variance over the face, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after acne, sun damage, lentigo solaris and actinic keratosis.

2. The Gly Peel stimulates the production of collagen by clearing the superficial layer of dead skin that gives a dull complexion. The peel is mild and used in conjunction with prescribed skin preparations as part of the treatment regimen you will see rejuvenated skin and a healthy glow to your complexion.

3. Salipeel is a skin peel system made up of Salicylic Acid and works on acne , acne induced pigmentation and is suitable for oily skin.

4. The Anti Ageing peel utilises a unique formula to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and acne as well as lightening Melasma, sun damage and hyperpigmentation. After one treatment of The Perfect Peel, overall skin

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Dermal Fillers

Over time the amount of collagen in your skin diminishes causing skin to lose its volume.

This is a perfectly normal part of the ageing process, but these lines and wrinkles can be unwelcome. Dermal fillers help to temporarily replenish the areas affected by loss of volume. The fillers contain hyaluronic acid which is naturally present in your skin.Hyaluronic acid has replaced older collagen based products as it has a shorter period of recovery, better results and considerably fewer adverse reactions. The London Dermatology Centre stocks a number of different dermal fillers, including Juvederm®, Restylane®, and Teosyal®. Your aesthetic physician will be able to advise on the product best suited to your needs and your skin type.

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Botox®, otherwise known as Botulinum Toxin, is the most popular anti-ageing treatment available.

It is a naturally occurring protein derived from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Wrinkles are caused by changes in the skin, around areas where muscles are overactive, for example, around the eyes and mouth. The Botulinum renders muscles temporarily inactive making the face appear softer, smoother and younger. The most commonly treated areas are frown lines on the forehead, Crow's feet around eyes, bunny lines on the bridge of the nose, horizontal necklace lines and vertical platysmal bands.

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Hyperhydrosis Botox

Botox® is proven to significantly reduce excessive and inappropriate underarm sweating, known medically as hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can be a troublesome problem for many and can limit an individual's social, professional and personal lives. Topical antiperspirants tend to mask the problem by blocking pores. These are often ineffective and can be potentially harmful. First, a local anaesthetic is applied to numb the area. Then, a fine needle is used to make 15 to 20 injections into each underarm. The results usually last between 4 to 8 months.

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Morpheus 8 Treatment in Dehradun

-Morpheus8 has generated a lot of buzz recently with its unique treatment for aging skin. It is the most advanced fractional skin treatment used for softening the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure is practically painless and safe to use on all skin types. It also helps in improving the appearance of shallow acne scars and stretch marks. The reason why Morpheus8 treatment in Dehradun is so popular among women and men is that it offers natural-looking results without having to undergo surgery. As it uses radiofrequency micro-needling, it delivers excellent results to a great extent because it targets the deepest layer of our skin which is not accessible through traditional treatments like creams or serums.

Morpheus 8 in Dehradun is a revolutionary treatment that has been designed to revitalize the quality of the skin by providing patients with the best desired results.

1.The treatment helps to tighten the skin without any incisions or injections. It uses radiofrequency energy that penetrates deep into your layers of skin, reaching depths up to 4 mm below your skin surface. This helps to stimulate collagen production that ultimately improves your skin’s volume and firmness.
2. Morpheus8 is the most advanced micro-needling technology that stimulates collagen and elastin production with little to no downtime.
3. It is one of the best anti-aging treatments that also helps in treating acne scars, pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, and laxity.
4. The morpheus8 treatment can be done for individuals who have mild to moderate wrinkles, sagging skin, and scars on their skin. It also helps in increasing collagen production and tightening the skin tissues.
5. It is a non-invasive treatment that delivers dramatic results with no downtime.
6.Provides immediate as well as long-lasting results
7. Offers instant glow and radiance to the skin
8. You can immediately return to your regular activities after the treatment
